Wednesday the 16th – Finished the impact reports and sent them to the grant writing team to edit, researched about capacity building grants, organized my presentation about the fruit of the day for the campers. I talked to them about cucumbers, where they come from and different ways to eat them. I also planned for a little for the next few days about the fruit of the day. I had a meeting about Feast Verde and what to do on those days and which days I will be helping.
Thursday the 17th – Worked on more research with capacity building and talked to the campers about peaches and had them try them. I received some edits on the grant reports and I added them into the document.
Friday the 18th – Made final edits for grant proposal and helped with Pizza night, did some research on possible systems to use to make sure we have all the liability volunteer waivers stored online.
Monday the 21st – Read through the future field trip itinerary to prepare for them. Finding more capacity building grant opportunities. Talked to the grant team about another impact report and started to write the report. It is unrestricted funding grant, so the report covers most of the things we have done. Talked with the kids about the fruit of the day and the different things we can eat with it.
Tuesday the 22nd – Unfortunately my computer broke Monday so my work was limited Tuesday. I worked on the impact report for the grant and more research for grants finding some more potential ones.
My overall week was filled with different aspects of public health which I enjoyed. I have very much enjoyed writing grant impact reports and doing research on more grant opportunities for the farm. I also have liked working hands-on with teaching the campers about different fruits and vegetables during lunch time. The pizza night was again very fun, and I always enjoy making those pizzas for the community to come together.
2.4.2: Develop materials needed for implementation
3.2.1: Create an environment conducive to learning
3.2.4: Deliver health education and promotion as designed
6.5.1: Deliver presentation to tailored audience
6.5.2: Use public speaking skills
7.4.6: Conduct reviews of funding and grant proposals