Grant Writing and Nourishing Neighbors

During my third week at The Ecology Center, I worked on finishing the PowerPoint about food sourcing in Orange County, California. I then had a talk with one of the team members about grant writing. I spent the rest of the day researching grant writing types and looking at sample writings. I also had a talk about a specific grant mid-year report. I looked at the grant proposals for the Ecology Center as well as other grant mid-year reports. During the call, we discussed what the grant did and how to write a mid-year report. I also spent time researching different environmental and farming films for the film series in early July. I wrote up some descriptions and sent them in. I helped with the pizza night again and helped prepare for the evening, make the pizzas, and heat them up. I also spent time packing up the nourishing neighbors boxes for distribution later in the week for families that are underserved by supplying them with organic, locally-sourced foods.
